Employment Discrimination Litigation 2010

  • 25-26 Feb 2010
  • Millennium UN Plaza Hotel, New York City, NY, United States


The premier employment discrimination litigation conference devoted entirely to the defense of claims, led by an unparalleled faculty of 37 in-house counsel, 23 federal judges, and the top outside counsel defense litigators and firms.
The volume of employment discrimination litigation has greatly increased. The cases are complex and the stakes involved for defendants are exceptionally high. The best plaintiff attorneys are involved in these cases and the defense bar is seeing more and more class actions and collective claims. But in defending and managing these complex claims, counsel for management face a distinct uphill battle, including:
  • Overly-aggressive tactics and even abusive practices by opposing counsel that have made the defense of cases significantly more expensive, adding exposure to employers Containment of defense costs, particularly when email and e-discovery has substantially changed the playing field, and the all too often occurrence of early settlement of an unmeritorious claim to avoid defense costs
  • Negotiating unfavorable facts that that could have been easily corrected by prior planning and better written and comprehensive documentation
  • Credibility of company and management witnesses in front of the jury, and turnover in the workplace leading to key witnesses or decision makers being no longer with the employer
  • Frivolous claims and the unlevel economic playing field between plaintiff and defense counsel
  • Juror attitudes and psychology
  • New legislation overturning Supreme Court decisions
  • Difficult summary judgment standards for these types of cases
  • Varying extremes in jurisdictions (e.g. federal or state, liberal or conservative state)
As a result of this uphill battle, there is simply no room for error in the defense of these claims. In response, American Conference Institute is proud to introduce the essential advanced defense forum that will shape the future of employment discrimination strategies for leading litigators and in-house counsel: Defending and Managing EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION. Through a distinguished faculty of 37 in-house counsel, the top outside defense counsel, as well as 23 renowned jurists, this conference will provide even the most seasoned litigators with clarity and certainty with respect to today s key issues crucial to mounting a rigorous and complete defense.
Our employment litigation events, including our annual Wage & Hour and EPLI conferences, offer unique opportunities for in-house counsel to gain expertise in evaluating litigation tactics and approaches and providing valuable input to the trial team and for law firm litigators to learn from some of the best in the industry. They offer tremendous networking opportunities with senior in-house counsel.

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Please, check "Employment Discrimination Litigation" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

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Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations

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