Lyophilization Process Development and Cycle Design 2011

  • 15 Nov 2011
  • Webinar


Lyophilization Process Development and Cycle Design 2011 is a webinar focused on the benefits and process of using an empirical approach to design an optimized lyophilization cycle including topics such as: crystalline vs. amorphous components, DSC and FDM, the finished lyophilized product, optimal chamber pressures and shelf temperatures for every process step.
Lyophilization Process Development and Cycle Design brings together Quality Control Scientists, Development Scientists, Production Management,     Quality Assurance from companies involved in the handling of lyophilized products, powders, dried foods and solid pharmaceutical dosage forms, Development Scientists, Quality Control Scientists, Quality Assurance and Production Management.

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Please, check "Lyophilization Process Development and Cycle Design" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Business: Innovations, Operations, Quality assurance
Health & Medicine: Medical device, Medical laboratories, Pharma
Industry: Chemicals, Food & Beverages
Science: Chemistry, Laboratories, Life Sciences & Biology
Technology: Biotechnology

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