Off-Label Compliance 2011

  • 07-08 Jun 2011
  • Philadelphia, PA, United States


Attendees will learn how to minimize risk in off-label discussions and ensure that doctors are properly educated on products. In addition, attendees will learn how to strike a balance between increased sales revenue, increased development time and expanding indications; which is a lengthy and costly process.They will hear about successful compliance plans, effective business practices, and winning litigation tactics from leading in-house counsel, compliance and regulatory officers, and expert attorneys who represent the pharmaceutical and device industries. Finally, attendees will walk away with a better understanding of how to comply with the FDA and prevent off label usage lawsuits that are very common in the pharma industry.

Past Events


Please, check "Off-Label Compliance" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Business: Innovations
Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations
Health & Medicine: Pharma
Science: Health sciences, Life Sciences & Biology

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