ABCs of ZPICs (Zone Provider Integrity Contractors) 2015
13 Jan 2015
ZPIC auditors are actively pursuing providers who are suspected of fraud. The ZPICs that align with the MACs all pursue providers with surprise on-site visits, targeted data analysis, random audits, 100% pre-payment holds, extrapolations and follow-up to whistleblower actions.
Why should you attend: Medicare Zone Program Integrity Contractors (ZPIC audits) can target physicians, home health agencies, hospices, skilled nursing facilities, DME suppliers and physical therapy billing among others.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Mitigate the risks of ZPIC audits by being proactive. Don`t miss this opportunity to learn what the government is doing to prevent improper Medicare payments. It could help you avoid costly claim denials and recoupments.
ZPIC Overview and Objectives
Medicare Program Integrity
Appeal of Unfavourable Audit Results
ZPIC Audit Process
Tips for Preparing for ZPIC Audits
Fax no: 302-288-6884
Contact no: 8003851607
Event Link:
Who should Attend
Attendees :
Chief Executive Officers
Compliance Officers
Chief Financial Officers
Individuals who work in the Healthcare Industry
Past Events
ABCs of ZPICs (Zone Provider Integrity Contractors) 2015 - 13 Jan 2015, Webinar (48988)
Please, check "ABCs of ZPICs (Zone Provider Integrity Contractors)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements