Innovative technologies and processes of metallurgy and related fields (special melting, foundry, welding, additive manufacturing etc)
Thermodynamics of metallurgical processes (pyro- and hydro- metallurgy)
Innovative ladle treatment in iron- and steelmaking
Advances in iron-and steelmaking technologies
Environmental issues in metallurgy: CO2 fixation, mitigation of environmental footprint, advanced processes in recycling and recovery of by-products and wastes
Casting and solidification
Advances in processes control, automation and on-line analysis
Advanced technologies of special melting and welding
Design and properties of advanced materials (metals, composites, refractories etc.)
Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials
Innovative methods of modelling and simulation of processes and materials
Past Events
AdMet 2018 - 10-13 Jun 2018, Premier Hotel Dnister, L`viv, Ukraine (3854)
Please, check "AdMet" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements