Is there a default standard for decision making, and if so, what is it?
Strategic considerations unique to this ground of review
Statutory Construction for Decision Makers
Recent developments and lessons learnt
Overview of general principles of statutory construction
CASE STUDY IN DECISION MAKING: The Adani Carmichael Decision The Adani coal mine approval process has involved a range of statutory decisions at State and Federal level. You will explore the public law issues that have arisen.
Federal approval: judicial review based on failure to consider advice
Land Court Approval under the Mineral Resources Act
Federal approval: judicial review based on failure to consider climate change impacts of burning coal
Privacy and Freedom of Information Considerations in Decision Making and Reason Writing
The decision making process and granting or refusing access to information
Privacy law update and its impact on decision making and reason writing
Case study example: the facts in the Tikiri case and their privacy law implications
Past Events
Administrative Decision Making Since Li 2017 - 06 Sep 2017, Mercure Brisbane, Australia (69146)
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