Aesthetics and Anti-aging are one of the most promising segments in the pharmaceutical industry and fastest growing market in the U.S today, with more than $30 billion market; it is expected to reach $291.9 billion by 2015 and likely to maintain double digit growth afterwards.
By attending this conference you will: - Hear about present and future of anti aging medicine
- Discuss latest technological development in cosmetic medical devices
- Gain insights on the changing market demands of the aesthetics and anti-aging market
- Stay ahead by learning the advances in cosmetic surgery
- Assess trends in stem cell theory
- Explore new developments in hair removal, skin tags, warts and mole removal therapy
- Investigate plasma used in new anti-aging technology
- Examine anti-aging vaccine, myths and realities
- Discover sports medicine for anti-aging and the treatment
- Learn about new challenges in aging care, medical integrative revitalisation
- Gain insights about new developments in body contouring , ultrasound & photomology
- Understand about mitochondrial DNA regeneration & repair
- Explore non-toxic cancer therapies , photodynamic and bio-identical hormone therapies
- Obtain latest information on regulatory guidelines
- Stay ahead by reviving your practice with the latest cutting edge technologies
- Network with colleagues and meet manufacturers showcasing their leading products