The African ICT Best Practices Fora serve as a practical way for high level officials from across Africa to share their own specific experiences and demonstrate practical examples of successful technology solutions in their respective countries. They also allow for such solutions to be more easily replicated, particularly given the skills shortage in the region.
Additionally, best practice solutions will be showcased on a new Panafrican best practices website, developed by Microsoft and the Government of Burkina Faso. This website is used to highlight examples discussed at the fora, as well as other ICT4D best practices, hence enabling ongoing peer-to-peer connections and discussions.
The EU has demonstrated that if all of the IT innovations of various African countries were to be integrated into one single country, it would be the 12th most advanced country in the world with respect to the use of technology. Given this, African nations stand to benefit from successful practices incorporated throughout the region, as well as from other emerging markets.