We are very proud to organize the first Agritech event in Per , a country that has demonstrated significant growth in the agricultural sector during the past decade thanks to the development of a highly diversified supply of agricultural exports, including many non-traditional exports (such as fruits and vegetables).
Whereas only a decade ago Per focused on just a few agricultural exports, the diversification of its agricultural production in recent years has helped the country to become the world s leading exporter of organic coffee, asparagus, and organic bananas and the second leading exporter of paprika. More specifically, Per increased its agricultural exports from US $643 million in 2000 to US $ 2,700 million in 2008, an average annual growth rate of more than 17%.
In order both to showcase Per s unique growth strategy and to address the challenges Per will undoubtedly confront in the coming years, Kenes and IPTIG have initiated a platform for bringing together the very latest agriculture technologies and professionals to interact, understand buyer-seller needs, and bring awareness to all segments of end users.An international conference on agriculture and industry presentations will be organized during the event.