Air Missile Defence Technology 2025 is a conference dedicated to This unique event will provide updates on capabilities and requirements from national militaries.
- The strategic aims and importance of the role played by the united states amd in europe
- Overview of the czech republic`s air missile defence current capabilities and future technology requirements
- Maximising developments in radar technology and c2 mission systems
- Proven effectiveness of the air and missile defence wing 1 in operation
- Maximising the aegis bmd system and meads through technological enhancements
- The importance of continued cooperation for nato’s integrated missile defence (niamd)
- Key challenges behind an effective and comprehensive air and missile shield for europe
Who should Attend
Attendees involved or interested in:
- Chief of GBAD
- Head of Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) department
- Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (CRAM) program managers
- Head of Air Missile Defence Programmes
- Missile System Developer
- System Integrator Manager
- Radar System Manufacturers