On behalf of the Organising Committee, I have great pleasure in inviting scientists and vendors of analytical equipment to participate in and present papers and posters at the International Symposium, Analitika 2010, in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Delegates have experienced previous Analitika Symposia as ideal occasions for scientists to report on theoretical aspects, new developments and applications in the field of analytical science in the relaxed atmosphere of a well-known South African University town, during the summer vacation. Analitika 2010 aims to continue this tradition.
Several eminent overseas and local scientists will contribute papers on the most recent developments in their fields of expertise and will participate in discussion sessions, which will offer younger scientists, in particular, the opportunity to interact and gain valuable new insights. Furthering the careers of young analytical scientists is one of the main objectives of the organizing committee and is regarded as crucially important for the sustained growth of analytical science on the African continent.