Discover the latest European legislations, what the evolution within market infrastructures and strategic competitive landscape means for the value chain
In 2010 the efforts are well underway for Europe to establish a more stabile, more interoperable and a cheaper post trade landscape successfully. However developments are moving more slowly than what industry participants have preferred. Doubts persist as to whether access and interoperability is working, whether the T2S programme will meet its deadline and more importantly, will costs be coming down?
This conference will profile and investigate major changes in these European initiatives and understand what impact they have across the
clearing and settlement industry. Therefore, do not miss this well-timed opportunity in September to benchmark, learn and debate with fellow competitors and senior market participants from all over Europe.
key conference topics
- Explore the details of the latest European legislation and how they will affect players across the value chain
- Discover how far the industry has come in providing reduced costs for users
- Learn about the latest progress by the ECB in developing the TARGET 2 Securities programme
- Address any remaining concerns you might have with the discussion and debate of CCPs versus CSDs
- Investigate how interoperability is definitely happening and how different market participants re doing their part to join in