The 7th Annual Hospital Bed Management and Patient Flow Conference 2014 is dedicated to best practice and case studies in the Australia`s hospitals to improve patient flow:
Creating Team Based Models of Care
Organisational Bed Profiling & Predictive Planning
Ambulatory and Community Services Program
A Whole System Approach to Managing Patient Flow in Obstetrics
`Y and the I Generation` - Patient Flow More than Child`s Play at Children`s Health Queensland
Patient Flow Approach
Improving the Entire System
A Mental Health Perspective on Bed Management and Patient Flow - A Whole System Approach to Managing the Demand
Connected Care - A New System of Care for Children with Complex Health Care Needs and their Families
Adopting a `Whole of Hospital` Approach to Care Planning
Using Data to Un-Wrap the Surgical Patient Pathway and Improve the Patient Experience
Patient Flow System - Melbourne Health
The Ambulance - Hospital - Community Interface
Excellence Program
Responding to the Most Vulnerable: A Systems Approach to Ambulance Ramping
Past Events
7th Annual Hospital Bed Management and Patient Flow Conference 2014 - 27-28 Feb 2014, Rydges Melbourne, Australia (41080)
Please, check "Annual Hospital Bed Management and Patient Flow Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Health & Medicine: Healthcare, Hospitals & Clinics