New and novel payloads, e.g. Antibody Targeted Amanitin Conjugates (ATACs) and minorgroove binding DNA-interactive molecules as ADC payloads, to expand the ADC landscape
The implementation of superior technologies to develop more effective and efficient Antibody Drug Conjugates
Using fragment conjugates in order to develop a tailored therapy for solid tumours
The practicalities of the use of Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Maximising the drug delivery efficiency and therapeutic index
Who should Attend
Senior Scientists
Research & Development Directors/Managers/Scientists
Chief Medical Officers
Chief Scientific Officers
Heads of Pre-Clinical Development
Heads of Clinical Development
Global Presence:
Past Events
Antibodies and Antibody Drug Conjugates 2018 - 09-10 Apr 2018, Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, United Kingdom (72549)
Please, check "Antibodies and Antibody Drug Conjugates" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Health & Medicine: Immunology, Internal medicine, Pharma