AP2PS 2010 , The Second International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems

  • 25-30 Oct 2010
  • Florence, Italy


The International Conference on Advances in Peer-to-Peer Systems (AP2PS) aims at capturing the latest developments, findings and proposals in the general area of P2P computing, networking, services, and applications. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics.

ADVP2P: Advances in theoretical foundations of P2P
Architectures; Overlay self-organization and management; Publish and discovery methods; Cloud computing; Semantic P2P
PERFP2P: Performance analysis of P2P frameworks and applications
Comparative performance analysis; Dependability, resilience and availability; Scalability; Stability; Benchmarking and optimization
SECP2P: Security, trust and reputation in P2P
Security of P2P systems; User security; Methods based on trust and reputation; Free-riding prevention methods; Authentication and identity management
BUSP2P: Business oriented P2P
Business models; Economic models; Charging mechanisms; Interrelation with network operators and service providers
TIMEP2P: Time-constrained P2P systems
Real-time streaming; Video on demand; P2P IPVT; P2P telephony; Hybrid approaches
QOEP2P: Quality of experience in P2P systems
Subjective studies; Objective studies; QoE based management of P2P; QoS/SLA in P2P systems; P2P measurements and control
WIRP2P: P2P and wireless convergence
Mobile P2P; P2P over wireless networks; P2P of ad hoc networks; Integrated approaches
SENSP2P: P2P technology and sensors
P2P urban sensing; Integration of sensors and P2P technology; P2P-based sensor networks resource discovery; P2P-based large-scale sensor networks sharing; P2P mobile sensors networks; Service-based P2P mobile sensor networks; P2P and embedded sensors; P2P target tracking in sensor networks; P2P network overlay in sensor networks; P2P data aggregation in sensor networks
SERVP2P: Service-oriented P2P
P2P system analysis and design methodologies; Peer-to-Peer workflow management systems; P2P service discovery & utilization; P2P models of deployment and management of Web Services; Performance measurement, optimization and benchmarks for P2P services; Service composition in P2P networks; P2P services and Cloud computing; Computational, service, and storage Grids.
MOBP2P: Mobile P2P
P2P opportunistic networking; P2P overlay for mobile networks; Scalability on mobile P2P systems; Service and resource discovery in mobile P2P systems; Location dependent mobile P2P services; Peer access and control in mobile P2P systems; Data management in mobile P2P systems; Special applications in mobile P2P systems
MANP2P: Managing P2P
P2P and energy efficiency; P2P as target and enabler for management systems; Scalability, performance, and security of P2P-based management; Large scale, P2P-based measuring and monitoring; Autonomic management of P2P systems; Management of adaptive content in P2P infrastructures; QoS management of/using P2P networks; Delay tolerant P2P; P2P systems for MANETs management; P2P support for distributed management queries; Cooperative management
LEGP2P: Legal and regulatory issues
Privacy; Digital rights management; Content filtering; Free-riding; Harmonization among different countries and continents; Regulatory issues of network operators and service providers

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Please, check "AP2PS , The International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Science: Computer Science

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