The API 653 : Aboveground Tank Inspector Certification Preparatory Course 2015 is dedicated to the preparation of an inspector to successfully complete API 653 authorized aboveground tank inspector certification examination.
The API 653 Standard, APT 571, API 575, API 577, API 651, API 652 and
Mock examination questions, meeting the appropriate specific examination criteria, will be utilized to simulate actual API test conditions, providing an effective study base
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections V and IX
Who should Attend
Past Events
API 653 : Aboveground Tank Inspector Certification Preparatory Course 2015 - 27-31 Jul 2015, Istana Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (50365)
Please, check "API 653 : Aboveground Tank Inspector Certification Preparatory Course" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements