Effect Of Traditional Egyptian Herbal Medicine on Treatment of Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

Abdel khalek H. Younes
Department of Dermatology , Andorology , and STDs
Al- Azhar university teaching hospitals –  Cairo – Egypt


I do respect to my patients for their cooperation during the process of the study


Hepatitis C is an progressing global health problem. The expense of the exciting regimen for treatment is not available for many patients .Herbal medicine have been used as complementary therapy in the treatment of liver diseases for a long time. In the current study the herbal medicine used in treatment of HCV are Milk Thistle , Phyllanthus , Garlic  , Cinnamon , parsley ,  Black seed and AKHY-J-25 (mixture of herbs). The aims is to assess the efficacy of that complementary therapy in treating chronic hepatitis C.


Fifty one Patients with hepatitis C have been seen in our out  patient clinic , With Twelve healthy control . Patients were interviewed to obtain detailed clinical data before and after treatment. Every patient received single oral  capsule of herbal preparations powder , in early morning on an empty stomach with two cups of water and simple breakfast after two hours , from three months to two years and  twelve control received placebo.



Twenty percent of patients had no detectable HCV RNA in serum at  24 week treatment ,72.6% showed clinical and  biochemical improvement with decline of PCR to lower limit  and 7.4% showed  clinical and  biochemical improvement  without change in level of  PCR. Mean PCR  , SGPT , SGOT , platelets , WBCS , neutrophils ,  Lymphocytes showed  very highly significant results (p=0.0001) , HG showed highly significant improvement(p=0. 001),Creatinine showed significant improvement ( p= 0.009 )  and Blood urea and RBS showed non significant changes respectively ( p =  23.98 , p = 2.2 ).


Traditional Egyptian herbal product showed significant improvement of hepatitis c.

Posted by: Abdel khalek hassan Younes, prof. of Dermatology,Andrology and STDs, Al-Azhar university, Egypt (12-Feb-2012)