Groundwater Development - The hydrogeological conditions in the Wadi Dara, Eastern Desert, Egypt




Mohamed.A. Abdalla, Assam A. Mohamed, Ahmed Orabi,

Hatem Mekhemer M. Geo. Walid Abdallah Mabrouk



       The groundwater development in Egypt is now of a great importance than in past few years. New land reclamation projects have been recently established. The present work is essentially concerned with the interpretation of the available geophysical and hydrogeological data in the form of vertical electrical sounding stations in addition to geological data in the form of shallow groundwater boreholes in order to subdivide the considered sequence in wadi Dara and Sahel Hasheesh into layers of varying resistivities and lithological constituents and to delineate the under groundwater aquifers with respect to their thicknesses, depths, lithological contents and their numbers.  The area of study represented in Wadi Dara lies at the western part of the Gulf of Suez in the Eastern Desert between latitude 27º 45` 00" in the south and latitude 28º 30` 00" in the north and from longitude 32º 45` 00" in the west and 33º 45` 00" in the east. The D.C. electric survey was performed at 19 Vertical Electrical Sounding VES`es set in Wadi Dara. The results of electric survey have been presented as resistivity – structure sections. The optimum resistivity model is obtained by matching method using "ipi2win" Moscow State University 2000 software computer programs for resistivity interpretation. The results of the quantitative analysis of the resistivity curves have been represented as geoelectric sections, showing the thickness and true electric resistivity values of the different geoelectric layers exist within the study area. The quantitative interpretation of the vertical electrical soundings in wadi Dara is composed essentially of six geoelectric. The ground water in Wadi Dara is available from an aquifer system belonging to Early Cretaceous times. The total salinity ranges between 2451 ppm and 18752 ppm in the study area.

Posted by: mohamed, Prof.Dr, National research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt (06-Dec-2011)