Product & Service Categories
- Florist supplies:
artificial flower, dried flower, decorative plant, flower arrangement appliance, vase, Flowerpot, floral design, artificial plant and home decorations - Flowers:
roses, fresh cut flowers, tulips, China rose, violets, chrysanthemum, carnation, African chrysanthemum, cattleya, lily, daffadilly, amaryllis and etc; Potted flowers: orchid, hyacinth, poinsettia, peony, anthurium, pineapple flowers, herbaceous flowers, hydroponics; Potted plants and miniature bonsai and succulent plants - Garden supplies:
wood plastic product, wooden house, rockery, fountain landscape, fence, sculpture, swing, outdoor furniture, landscape light, garden tables and chairs, indicators, mosquito trap, flower racks, garbage bin and gardening appliance - Garden equipment
garden machinery, Garden tools, flower refrigeration and preservation technology & equipment, irrigation facilities, fertilizer, pesticide and peat soil
Who should Attend
Florist dealers and professional visitors from flower shopping centers, growers, society of florists, housing design and landscape.