Avoiding Discrimination When Recruiting With Social Media Tools 2012
16 Apr 2012
The advantages of using social media for recruiting
Conventional methods of job search and recruiting
Which pieces of information are prohibited by anti-discrimination laws
Kinds of candidate information available via social networking
The theory of disparate treatment and how it can manifest when recruiting with social media
Legal issues raised by recruiting with social media
The theory of disparate impact and how it can manifest when recruiting with social media
Mitigating the risk of disparate treatment through the use of a formal policy regarding the use of social media in recruiting
The dangers of relying exclusively on social media for all recruiting efforts
Demographic characteristics of the typical social media user versus the demographics of the civilian labor force
Incorporation of social media into a comprehensive recruiting strategy
Who should Attend
HR professionals
Social Media Officers
EEO and Compliance Officers
Any person with an interest in using social media for recruiting
Past Events
Avoiding Discrimination When Recruiting With Social Media Tools 2012 - 16 Apr 2012, Webinar (24688)
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