International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Processing & Computing (IPC) * Software and Web Engineering * Computer Science * Computer Appllication * Electronics Commerce * Electronics Marketing * E-Cash * System Administration * Computer Management * Computational Mathematics * Information Processing * Information Technology * Knowledge Management * Data Communications * Data Compression * Data Encryption * Data Mining * Databases * Digital Signal Processing * Distributed Systems * Event Driven Programming * Expert Systems * High Performance Computing * Image Processing * Watermarking * Information Retrieval * Information Systems * Mobile Computing * Multimedia Applications * Natural Language Processing * Parallel and Distributed Computing * Performance Evaluation * Programming Languages * Reconfigurable Computing Systems * Security & Cryptography * Software Engineering & CASE * Theoretical Computer Science * Applications of Computer Science and Engineering
Past Events
BAIP 2010 - International Conference on Recent Trends in Business Administration and Information Processing - 26-27 Mar 2010, Thiruvananthapuram, India (4286)
BAIP - International Conference on Recent Trends in Business Administration and Information Processing 2025 ?
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