British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society 14th Annual Conference

  • 10-11 Jun 2010
  • The Glasshouse International Centre for Music, Gateshead, United Kingdom


Dear Colleague

This year we hope to welcome you to Newcastle and the new Sage Gateshead conference and music centre.

In the light of the excellent feedback from the Liverpool 2009 conference, we will include the four themed sessions (Fetal Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Labour and Delivery and Pregnancy Outcome) together with Meet the Experts sessions and a lively debate. I am very pleased that Professor Torvid Kiserud from Bergen, Norway has agreed to give the Society Lecture on the subject of Management of fetal growth restriction.

We hope to welcome even more midwives to this year s conference. Professor Tina Lavender and Professor Jane Sandall have both kindly agreed to remain on the Organising Committee and will help judge abstract submissions. We encourage all midwives undertaking audit and research projects to consider submitting an abstract for consideration.

Plenary topics have also been specifically chosen to reflect controversial issues of relevance to both professional groups. Year on year the quality of the oral and poster presentations has improved and we will ensure more time is given for poster viewing this year. In addition to the usual Society Awards for best oral and poster presentations in each of the themes, there will also be a prize awarded to the New Investigator of the Year for the best oral presentation by a participant in doctoral training.

We look forward to seeing you in Newcastle.

Professor Stephen Robson
President, British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society

Past Events


Please, check "British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society Annual Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

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Health & Medicine: Gynecology & Obstetrics

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