Conference Topics:
Authors are invited to submit papers describing their original
works on all aspects of microwaves, antennas, lightwaves, and
wireless communications. Suggested topics include, but are not
limited to the following areas:
1. EM Field Theory and Computational Electromagnetics
2. Scattering and Propagation
3. Antenna Theories and Techniques
4. Smart Antennas, Phased and Active Arrays
5. High Speed Digital Circuits and Signal Integrity
6. Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Solid-State Devices and
7. Passive Devices and Circuits
8. RFICs & MMICs
9. Microwave Low Noise Devices and Techniques
10. RF MEMS Techniques
11. High-Power Devices and Techniques
12. Microwave Superconducting Technologies and Applications
13. Ferrite and SAW components
14. Microwave, Millimeter-Wave Packaging and Manufacturing
15. Microwave Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques
16. PBG and Metamaterials
17. EMI and EMC
18. Terahertz Techniques
19. Microwave Applications in Industry, Medicine, and
20. Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing
21. Space Solar Power Station and Rectennas
22. OFDM, MIMO, Space Time Coding Technology
23. Wireless and Mobile Communication
24. Wi-Fi and WiMax System
25. Software Radio Design and Applications
26. RFID Technology and Applications
27. Optical Network and Light Propagation Technology
28. Novel Optoelectronic and Photonic Devices
29. Optical Sensing Technology
30. Active and Passive Devices/Circuits Modeling
31. Other