Raw Materials of non-ferrous metals: Copper, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, zinc lead, nickel, molybdenum, silicon, antimony, tin, chromium, tungsten, tantalum and indium, magnetic materials, exotic materials, rare earth materials, noble metal materials and different kinds of alloy materials etc
Non-ferrous metals smelting technology and equipment smelting furnace, refining equipment, smelting valve, filtration equipment, transportation equipment, heat exchange equipment, equipment for acid making by fume, decay equipment, hydrometallurgy, electrolytic equipment, and large power rectifying device, electrolyzer and extraction equipment etc
Non-ferrous metals mining technology and equipment Nonferrous Mining exploration, acquisition, filtering equipment, powder processing equipment, construction and transport equipment etc
Non-ferrous metals automation control equipment, instrumentation, packaging equipment, and surface equipment etc
Who should Attend
Attendees from non-ferrous metals and up-down stream enterprises and professional visitors.
Past Events
10th China (Shanghai) International Non-Ferrous Metals Exhibition (CINME 2016) - 10-12 Oct 2016, Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), China (57098)
Please, check "China (Shanghai) International Non-Ferrous Metals Exhibition (CINME)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements