Applying IEC 61968 – establishing a robust framework for implementing CIM as DER integration accelerates within a more flexible grid environment
Applying IEC 61970 – achieving reliable configuration between internal and external IT systems to ensure their seamless compliance with CIM standards
CIM Working Group - leveraging the power and focus on the CIM working group to drive greater awareness and speed up deployment of the standard across the smart utility industry
Applying IEC 62325 – effectively managing the influx of high-volume, real-time data across the energy market whilst minimising risk
The future of CIM – developing a robust roadmap for efficiently updating existing network models in alignment with new CIM versions
CIM Configuration and Interoperability – leveraging advanced tools and technologies to support timely and cost efficient implementation of CIM and maximise operational efficiency
Past Events
Common Information Model 2020 - 21-23 Jan 2020, Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport, Lijnden, Netherlands (87367)
Please, check "Common Information Model" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements