According to the Forbes Magazine, the value of the private dentistry market in Poland is estimated to be 3.6 billion PLN (884,5 million EUR) and is increasing at a rate or 20-30 % per annum. This fast growth and the remaining large potential for further growth of the dental services market are due to many years of neglect under the communist system and the rapidly increasing patients awareness. A fast growing dental tourism from mainly Germany, Scandinavia, Great Britain and the Netherlands also plays an important part since the Poland s entry into the European Union.
The size of the Poland s economy in terms of GDP placed the country on the 18th spot in the world in 2009. Polish economy constituted 50% of the economies of all the countries that joined EU in 2004. In pursuit of the level of development of Western Europe, Poland is achieving 2-3 times higher growth rates than most developed EU economies. It was the only country to record a positive GDP growth in 2009 of approximately 1.5% while all other countries in Europe were in recession.
Taking into consideration the large size of the Polish domestic market, its dynamic growth and the high potential of unmet demand Poland appears to be the best area of Europe to expand the production of dental products and services into.
The sessions listed below enjoyed a particularly high interest:
- Occlusion - diagnostic and treatment controversies
- First aid in emergency cases in dental surgery
- The success of a practice under the magnifying glass of psychology. A profit and loss account.
- The art of reconstructing dental tissue using composite materials