Continuous Reliability Improvement (CRI and optimization of Rotating Equipment has been widely investigated by worldclass process companies during the last decade. Concentrating exclusively on redundancy allocation as per the old fashion maintenance is not the answer. The modern approach
requires that minimum reliability for each component be established to achieve the total equipment reliability goal with minimum cost. This new philosophy allocates reliability to a component according to the risk of failure and cost of increasing its reliability. Continuous Reliability Improvement
(CRI) of plant reliability by optimizing predictive maintenance for rotating equipment is one of the most important challenges plants face today. To know how to effectively prevent equipment failures, conduct a successful root cause failure analysis and improve condition monitoring for rotating
equipment are continuing challenges for engineers. Proper analysis and solving of chronic problems at the source saves time and money.
Most importantly, Continuous Reliability Improvement (CRI) goes well beyond traditional reliabilitycentered maintenance (RCM) practices. CRI as developed by your instructor, Founder of The Maintenance Excellence Institute will help improve the total maintenance operation for total operations success and profit. This intensive course focuses (CRI) on rotating equipment but you will learn to apply much, much more for improving all maintenance resources via a profitcentered