Following this course, the participant should be able to assess the common presentation and patient complaints for the various pulmonary disorders described; implement a diagnostic work-up appropriate for each presented disorder, considering a practical and cost-effective approach; employ a cost-effective method of treatment, follow-up and long-term care when indicated. This activity is expected to result in improved competence in making an appropriate diagnosis and providing effective treatment and referral or follow-up care with the overall goal of improving patient outcomes.
The emphasis will be on aligning physician behavior with current guidelines and evidence-based medicine, as indicated within each topic’s specific objectives, with a focus on diagnosis, treatment and when to refer. Practitioners are expected to be competent in the fundamentals of many specialized areas of medicine and rely upon the specialist only when necessary. Since the specialty of Pulmonary and Critical Care are frequently encountered in many clinical settings to include EM, FP and IM, this course was designed as an update for all practitioners at the level of a practicing physician.