Delivering award winning innovation and customer experience
Integrating customer experience into the DNA of your business: what, why and how?
Strategies to improve the customer experience as consumers move to digital channels
How can customer experience be used to your competitive advantage?
Customer experience mapping: what does your organisation look like through the eyes of your customer?
Next steps for VOC: improving current initiatives to enhance customer insight and drive sales
Achieving successful internal process management as the backbone of customer experience transformation
Key steps to building a new mobile customer experience strategy: identifying the most effective ways to achieve customer transformation for mobile customers
Who should Attend
Senior level financial services decision makers.
Past Events
Customer Experience Transformation: Financial Services 2015 - 15-17 Sep 2015, Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington, United Kingdom (51211)
Customer Experience Transformation: Financial Services 2014 - 16-18 Sep 2014, Bloomsbury Hotel London, United Kingdom (45211)
Please, check "Customer Experience Transformation: Financial Services" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements