Design It. Build It. (DIBI) Conference

  • 09-10 Oct 2024
  • Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), United Kingdom


Design It. Build It. (DIBI) Conference is a conference is an intense interactive workshops for Web Designers and Developers.

Design It. Build It. (DIBI) Conference covers topics such as:

  • Digital Design
  • Design
  • Technology

Design It. Build It. (DIBI) Conference brings together leaders, innovators and creators from across the digital industry.


  • Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) , 150 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

More Details

220-320 Pound Sterling (Estimated)
BeaconHouse Events

Future Events


Please, check "Design It. Build It. (DIBI) Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Arts: Design
Technology: Imaging & Graphics, Information Technology (IT)

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