Join Social Media consultant Andrew Smith and learn how to develop, implement and maintain high performing Social Media strategies. With over 33 million users on Social Media across the UK, this cost-effective communication tool presents a key opportunity to improve engagement and maximise resources for the public sector. In order to capitalise on the benefits of Social Media, it is essential for public sector organisations to develop effective digital communication skills. By attending the Effective Use of Social Media course delegates will learn how to create a strong Social Media presence, develop their customers service and digital engagement with their service users. Category: Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Classes, Courses & Workshops. Event Time: 9:15 am - 6:15 pm. Booking: Prices: Central Government: GBP 495, Local Government / NHS / Emergency Services / Education: GBP 445, Trade Associations and Charities: GBP 445, Private Sector: GBP 595. Submit Once, Submit Everywhere event marketing by @evvnt -