Developments in Transmission and Driveline Technology 2017 is a conference dedicated to technical developments in driveline and transmission technology in passenger cars as well as across the industry, on and off-highway.
Emissions and CO2 reductions
Updates on the latest developments and trends in transmissions and driveline technology including hybrid, electrification and CVT
Developments with on and off-highway including, bus, HGV, taxi and tractor transmissions
Hybrid and electric vehicle transmissions
Future trends and technologies in transmissions and drivelines that will be sustainable and applicable across industries
Case study on electrified transmission
Technology and architecture to reduce emissions, improve fuel economy and efficiency in Heavy Goods Vehicles
New developments in conventional and hybrid transmission synthesis
Past Events
Developments in Transmission and Driveline Technology 2017 - 13 Jun 2017, Aston Vila Football Ground, Birmingham, United Kingdom (67825)
Please, check "Developments in Transmission and Driveline Technology" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements