DEWI organises for the tenth time the biennial German Wind Energy Conference in Bremen from 17 to 18 November 2010. The very successful DEWEK conferences, the last one was visited by more than 640 engineers and scientists from 32 countries, are known as the most important mirror of the leading German science and technology development in wind energy. Since the last conference in 2008 the boom of the global wind energy markets has continued and more and more countries are joining in. Also, offshore wind energy in Germany finally became reality last year with the installation of the offshore test site "alpha ventus". All
the new players will certainly visit the DEWEK 2010 to use the opportunity to network with their international colleagues and to see one or the other wind turbine of the 5/6 MW class.
Together with the exhibition of manufacturers, suppliers, universities and engineering companies the DEWEK 2010 will again be the real technical/ scientific market place for the on- and offshore wind energy development. The conference topics will focus on multi-megawatt wind turbines and the challenge of the very specific German far-offshore wind energy application, supplemented by the technical optimisation, necessary to increase
economic efficiency, reliability and durability which is gaining more and more importance. Two days with very interesting presentations and new research results, two days which will be really worthwhile to attend.