Operation of sports facilities On 27-28 April is the time for this year`s conference for those who work with operation and maintenance of sporting environments as sports, adventure, swimming pools, ice rinks, soccer fields, etc. The conference will focus on strategic issues such as accountability of the operation and maintenance, practical visit operating the new sports facilities. How to write contracts when you outsource facility? Advantages and examples of twinning
What are the different types of energy-saving solutions for your facilities?
How can you interact with the voluntary sector to ensure high utilization of the facility?
How secure access to facilities and sporting environments?
Strategic and systematic safety of recreational facilities - who is responsible for what?
Past Events
Drift av idrottsanläggningar - 27-29 Apr 2010, Fazer Restaurang & Konferens Fleminggatan, Stockholm, Sweden (2296)
Please, check "Drift av idrottsanlaggningar" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements