Analysis of designs for users with special abilities and needs
Play, playfulness and innovation
Emotions and affective learning and interaction
Experience and explorative designs, play and learning
Theoretical foundations for design, learning, and innovation
Movements, exploration and experimentation
Collaborative, collective and co-creative designs for learning
Design methodologies
Innovation in design and learning
Design of innovative learning environments
Methodologies, tools, and techniques for innovation in design and learning
Design driven innovation
Design of innovative applications
Designing for users with special abilities and needs
User centered design
Design, learning and innovation for specific purposes
Novel initiatives in design and learning
Toys and/or games for health and wellbeing
Toys and/or games for playful learning
Toys and/or games for social impact
Serious games
Toys and/or games for outdoor spaces
Online/virtual laboratories
Game-based learning and gamification
New trends in formal and informal learning practices
Toy-based learning
Play-based learning
Trends and issues in formal and informal learning domains
Learning space designs
Ludic engagement designs
Workplace learning designs
Social networking
Emerging tools and technologies in design, learning and innovation
Novel applications
Virtual and augmented realities
Tools for outdoor play environments
Virtual communities
Past Events
2nd EAI International Conference on Design, Learning & Innovation 2017 - 30-31 Oct 2017, Chamber of Irakleion Prefecture, Heraklion, Greece (67020)
Please, check "EAI International Conference on Design, Learning & Innovation" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements