- Sample PPA language
- Basics of project development and fiance, PPA contract terms, the PPA bidding process, and feed-in tariff structures
- Issues that arise during operations and how to allocate legal risk
- Methods and practices for successful negotiations
- Utility scale projects
- Other renewables such as biomass, biofuels, and wind, and programs utilizing these technologies
Who should Attend
Company managers, financial officers, developers, attorneys or consultants or other persons from:
- Companies that serve these customers and need to increase or diversify their sources of power supply, including companies who wish to procure "green" sources of energy to supplement their existing supply sources; and
- Developers of power generation projects who wish to sell their power to government or privately owned companies who serve industrial, commercial or residential customers
- Industrial or commercial companies who wish to understand how they might develop or fiance power generation facilities that would sell excess power into the grid or to a local utility provider