Medium-term forecasting, from a few days to a few months ahead, is generally preferred for balance sheet calculations, risk management and derivatives pricing
Short-term forecasting generally involves horizon from a few minutes up to a few days ahead and is of prime importance in day-to-day market operations
Long-term forecasting, with lead times measures in months, quarters or years, concentrates on investment profitability analysis and planning
Who should Attend
Attendees from Utilities (Generation, TSOs, DSOs) and Energy trading companies with responsibilities in:
Analysis (Quantitative, Fundamental, Market)
Markets (Power Markets, Energy Markets, Market Strategy, Market Design)
Risk analysis
Pricing/Price Analysis
Data scientists
Economic analysis
Past Events
Electricity Price Modelling and Forecasting Forum - 07-08 Mar 2023, InterContinental Berlin, Germany (97148)
Please, check "Electricity Price Modelling and Forecasting Forum" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Business: Finance, Operations
Industry: Electronics & Electrical, Energy & Utilities