@@ is an Eastern Caribbean Cruise Conference from Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- Stroke II: Outliers, TIA, Wake up Stroke, Stuttering stroke and the use of advanced imaging to guide lytic therapy decisions
- Stroke I: Epidemiology & Pathophysiology of Acute Stroke. Correlating physical exam, stroke score and associated vascular lesion
- Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation: Strategies for Initiation, Weaning and Release
- Stroke III: Endovascular Therapies, Mechanical Thrombectomy, Flow Diversion, & Stent guided coiling
- Tele-consultation & Stroke Evaluation: There’s and app for that
- Sepsis Update: Evolution of Early Goal Directed Therapy, Implications of ProCESS, & ARISE Trials
Who should Attend
Physician Assistants, Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and Nurses.