Emerging Cellular Therapies

  • 27 Apr - 01 May, 2022
  • Keystone Resort, CO, United States


Emerging Cellular Therapies is a conference dedicated to the integration of emerging technologies and immunobiology to advance the genetic engineering of immune cells for the treatment of cancer and other pathologies.

  • Elucidating mechanisms of resistance to cell-based immunotherapies, including the roles of T cell differentiation, signaling and costimultory pathways and epigenetic profiles
  • Strategies to identify novel immune targets, enhance the function of synthetic and natural receptors for antigen, and genetically engineer and edit T cells and their precursors
  • The emergence of novel, alternative engineered cell types, including natural killer cells and pluripotent stem cell-derived immune cells, and their potential to overcome current barriers to immunotherapy
  • The mechanisms that lead to antigen escape in the context of the tumor microenvironment
  • The fundamental mechanisms that determine the success of cell-based

Past Events


Please, check "Emerging Cellular Therapies" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Health & Medicine: Oncology, Pharma, Regenerative Medicine
Science: Life Sciences & Biology

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