In the recent time of globalization when energy conservation is the key to sustainable development, due to increasing demand and short fall of energy, need is to think alternate way and start searching & developing convertible & reusable energy sources. To promote the players of energy sector, an interactive exhibition is the need of hour.
Looking at the present panorama, there is need to foresee the future trends & turning points where energy bottlenecks could be coming up & there should be clarity on coping strategies. Today`s precautions ensure brighter tomorrow, hence the conference will be an eye opener & more than that an intellectual session to plan our precious energy resources in advance, to ensure better world ahead.
Energy World Show 10 is an endeavor to put innovators, technocrats, suppliers, manufacturers and ancillaries on the futuristic platform to promote their technologies, products, equipments and offerings to the buyers and the beneficiaries in the most personalized manner, enabling next generation energy sources benefit the human beings.