Inclusive Leadership from the Center and Periphery. Social Identity as Context
Cultural diversity as a strategic competitive advantage
Diversity Policies and Practice. Cross-Cultural and Comparative Perspectives
Women’s Approaches to Navigating Masculinized Industries in the Global South
Organizing Political Diversity – Inclusion and Exclusion in Parties, NGOs and social movements
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Social Enterprises
Dealing with Age Discrimination and Age Stereotypes at the Workplace, Individual, Firm-level and Policy Perspectives
Bringing Disability Leadership to the Forefront
Dis/abilities and inclusion at the work place. What can we learn from intersectional research for inclusive employment strategies?
Leadership theory. disrupting the ‘discourse’
Changing inner city neighbourhoods – who will be excluded by whom
Making diversity work. Diversity climate as a possible panacea
Politics of privilege
Inclusion Practices
Between Precarious- and Inclusiveness? Science and Care in Transition
Academic Cultures beyond Privileges and Discrimination
Equality and diversity expertise, skills, values and knowledge of teachers, lecturers and those who support learning
Theory and Practice. The Twining Twins of Diversity Involving Diversity Practice into Theory of Inclusion - Evolving Diversity Theory by perceiving Practice of Inclusion and Nondiscrimination
Doctoral Colloquim
History of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Metropolitan Europe. Moving Beyond the Reification of and Exclusive Emphasis on Discrimination
Inclusion at the Workplace – Diversity vs. Disability?
When Theory Won’t Do – Action to the Rescue!
Past Events
7th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International (EDI) Conference 2014 - 08-10 Jun 2014, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), Munich, Germany (33783)
Please, check "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International (EDI) Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Business: Human Resources (HR), Management
Government & Global Issues: Social issues
Science: Business studies, Political science, Social sciences