The EU Utility Cyber Security Forum is dedicated to the latest developments for ensuring the cyber security of the digitalised, distributed EU energy grid.
Defense-in-depth networking strategies
The current status of nation-state level APTs for the EU energy sector
Key implications of the ENTSO-E Network Code on Cybersecurity (NCCS)and other standardization developments
Improving cyber security resilience through the enhancement of threat decision and incident reporting
Implementing cyber security measures across all EU member states
Technology advancements and implementation strategies
Holistic approaches to achieving greater network visibility
Architecting a network security solution to address cyber threats
Ensuring Cloud migration cyber security for utilities
Addressing the IT / OT divide
Protecting substations and distribution and transmission infrastructure from cyber attacks
Harmonizing regulatory compliance
Ensuring grid SCADA and PLC grid control networks cyber security
Cyber security for operational technologies and smart systems
Steps for recovering from an industrial control system cyber breach
What works, what doesn`t, and what to put in place
And more
Building redundant and resilient converged OT and IT systems
Past Events
EU Utility Cyber Security Forum - 14-15 Nov 2023, London, United Kingdom (99556)
Please, check "EU Utility Cyber Security Forum" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Technology: Communication Networks, Information Technology (IT), IT Security