Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
Probabilistic Learning
Particle Swarm Optimization and Niche Technology
Software engineering
Quantum Computing
Acoustic and under water electronics/communication and sonar systems
Sensors and Networks (wireless ad hoc N/W, Vehicular N/W)
Microwave IC, antennas and wave propagation
Signal and Speech Processing
Ontology and Web services
Modeling and simulation
Telecommunication and mobile communication
Parallel and distributed systems
RFIDs and applications
Grid, cloud, high speed/performance and green computing
Mobile computing, computational intelligence
Embedded systems and hardware design/implementation
Computer vision and artificial intelligence
Image, speech and speech processing
Remote sensing and GIS
Information security, network security and steganography
Control systems and control issues in the design of embedded control systems
E-commerce and e-business
Ad hoc mobile networks
Software testing and implementation
Addressing and location management
Security, trust, and privacy
Self-organizing Networks
Middleware support for networking
Mobility models and systems
Big data
Broadband access technologies
Sensor networks and embedded systems
Service overlays
Multicast, broadcast, and anycast
Multimedia protocols
Capacity planning
Cellular and broadband wireless nets
Smart Grids
Social computing and Networks
Network applications and services
Network architectures
Cognitive radio networks
Congestion control
Survivability, network management, and fault tolerance
Switches and switching
Optical networks
Peer-to-peer networks
Content-based network service
Cross-layer design and optimization
Topology characterization and inference
Traffic measurements and analysis
Power control and management
Pricing and billing
Cyber-physical systems and Internet of things
Data center and cloud computing
Traffic engineering and control
Urban sensing, environmental monitoring, and underwater Networks
Quality of service
Resource allocation and management
Delay/disruption tolerant networks
Dynamic spectrum management
Vehicular Networks
Virtual and overlay Networks
RFID networks and protocols
Routing Protocols
Energy efficient network infrastructure
Future Internet design
Web services and performance
Wireless mesh networks and protocols
Scheduling and buffer management
Network Architecture and Protocol, Optical Fiber/Microwave Communication
Modeling and Simulation of Communication Systems
Wired and Wireless Communication
Satellite Communication
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Wireless Sensor Networks and related topics
Distributed Computing
Speech/Image Processing
Software Architecture
Grid and Cloud Computing
Ubiquitous Computing
Semantic Web and related topics
Who should Attend
Academics and industrial experts in the field of Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks.
Past Events
2014 Euro-Asia Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (EACCI 2014) - 21-23 Apr 2014, Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Antalya, Turkey (42719)
Please, check "Euro-Asia Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (EACCI)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Science: Computer Science
Technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Communication Networks, Information Technology (IT), Remote sensing, Signal Processing, Telecommunication