As the financial crisis unfolds, the impact on financial institutions of all sizes continues to grow, and while opinion is divided on whether the flood of notifications will result in damaging claims, for the moment the FI insurance market remains a hard one.
Following on from the considerable success of the 1st European Financial Institutions Insurance conference, which took place at the end of May 2009, the 2nd European Financial Institutions Insurance event has been carefully researched with you, the market, in order to provide the latest information from the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the field.
Designed exclusively for the European Market, this excellent event will cover the following areas and much more:
- How some of the more risk/reward types of financial institutions operate in the global market, including how they make their money and the risks they face
- FI E&O, D&O, and Crime insurance the latest risks and policy changes
- How the regulatory response to the financial crisis will impact FIs and their insurers
- The legal changes in the US that could lead to more securities litigation affecting European FIs
- How risk managers are coping with the risks facing them