The Course Directors and Program Committee, constituted by Professors Mathieu Zuber (Paris, France) and Ovidiu Bajenaru (Bucharest, Romania) are pleased to invite you to join the
third edition of the European Neurological Conference on Clinical Practices that will be held from January 22-24, 2010, in Bucharest Romania.
In order to offer you the latest innovative and clinically relevant findings in the field of neurology, the Course Directors and Program Committee and a large panel of internationally renowned experts will present a customized scientific program covering a wide range of prominent issues you may encounter in your daily practice.
The following primary educational objectives have been defined for this conference:
- to inform Neurologists about the latest scientific advances;
- to focus on new and emerging medical therapies;
- to assess and improve prescription of imaging techniques;
- to allow Neurologists meeting and debating with international experts on (controversial) issues, challenges, and special cases related to their daily practice.