Re-structure improperly grouped columnar data with Flash Fill or the Text to Columns feature
Learn the fastest, most efficient ways to sort data; sort by content, by color, or based on the order of data in a custom list; sort in random order or by re-arranging columns left-to-right
Eliminate duplicate records from a large database
Master the myriad ways of filtering data to display just the data you need
Create drop-down lists to accelerate data entry, with improved accuracy and consistency
Insert a row of subtotals in a sorted list without tediously creating new rows and formulas
Learn valuable functions that help you understand your data - COUNTIF, SUMIF
Convert lists into tables - gain easier data-handling and enhanced visual features
Who should Attend
Any Excel user who deals with large lists.
Past Events
Excel`s Data Management Tools 2016 - 06 Oct 2016, Webinar (62205)
Please, check "Excel`s Data Management Tools" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements