Changing the course of psoriasis treatment with patients
Global trial Community
Seeing the Patient’s Perspective
Child Neurology Foundation`s Respite Care Handbook - GSK and Child Neurology Foundation
HemMobile Striiv Wearable
Making Medicines: The Process of Drug Development eLearning course
IBS-D Patient Engagement Platform
Bayer Oncology Augmented and Virtual Reality Experience - Bayer and PIXACORE
Hemocraft - Reimagining Patient Education
Development of a claims-based algorithm for use in migraine patients to identify potentially undiagnosed chronic migraine patients - Allergan with HealthCare Partners
Patient Assessment in COPD (PAC) - Boehringer Ingelheim and CTC Communications
Interactive ALSFRS
BD Vascular Access Management (VAM) – BD
Past Events
eyeforpharma Awards Judging Day 2019 - 15 Apr 2019, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (82780)
Please, check "eyeforpharma Awards Judging Day" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements