Foley`s Emerging Technologies Conference: Do You Speak Entrepreneur? (San Diego) 2010

  • 02 Nov 2010
  • Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine, CA, United States


To succeed in the tech company world, you need to talk the talk and walk the walk. Join us at Foley`s Emerging Technologies Conference, for an immersion course in the techniques and strategies of successful entrepreneurs. Foley attorneys, tech executives, experienced advisors, and tech company investors will teach you the language of entrepreneur. Through a combination of panel discussions and highly interactive breakout sessions, attendees will understand the state of venture capital from both the investor and company perspectives.
Learn how emerging companies can succeed through strategic partnerships, creative financing, outsourcing, incorporating social media in product development and marketing, leveraging new trends in privacy and data security laws, and managing IP. Additionally, the conference will cover the alternative energy and cloud computing industries.

Past Events


Please, check "Foley`s Emerging Technologies Conference: Do You Speak Entrepreneur? (San Diego)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Business: Finance, Management, Marketing & Sales, Security & Safety
Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations
Services: Media & Entertainment
Technology: Information Technology (IT), Internet, IT Security

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