- How to better understand the transition from adolescent to adult from the point of view of brain maturation
- What are the issues of the transition for the pediatrician, the doctor, the child and his / her parents
- How should we adapt our practice to the evolution of generations Y and Z, to the robotization and digitization of medicine?
- What place is there for the pediatrician of tomorrow
- Comment mieux comprendre la transition de l’adolescent a l’adulte du point de vu de la maturation du cerveau
- Quels sont les enjeux de la transition pour le médecin-pédiatre, le médecin, l’enfant et ses parents
- Quelle place y a-t-il pour le pédiatre de demain, comment devrons-nous adapter notre pratique a l’évolution des générations Y et Z, a la robotisation et digitalisation de la médecine
Who should Attend
Pediatricians, child psychiatrists, pediatric surgeons and researchers.
fPmh - foederatio Paedo medicorum helv ticus (Swiss federation of paediatrics).