Future of Mining Americas is a conference dedicated to the latest innovations and technologies connecting the mining industry across the Americas.
Optimisation through digitisation - The impact of AI, Data Capture, Gamification, and Block chain on mine productivity
New metals, uses and markets - The future outlook for material sourcing trends and the impact on supply and demand
Driving growth in Exploration - recent advances in undercover exploration, drilling and multi-element analysis for rapid success
Change management - Managing social, cultural and environmental demands in amidst technological, social and geopolitical change
Future growth and investment - shaping the future of ‘smart` miners through corporate growth planning
Skills attraction and retention - supporting the future of skilled labour through talent acquisition and development
Who should Attend
Product and Service Providers to the Mining Industry: Business Development, Heads of Mining, Engineering, Technology, Data, Marketing, Supply Chain, Analytics, Automation, Mining Equipment, Construction